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Monday, April 18, 2011

Robocop-Style Glasses To Indentify Criminals

How about the glasses with which one scan the criminal face among a crowd?? Yes, you will be amazed knowing that Brazilian cops will be getting equipped with special glasses which can scan around 400 faces in a second. The glasses are featured with advanced facial recognition technology and can automatically recognize a criminal face from 12 miles away.!!
Wondering how does it work…??
Well, the glasses scan 46,000 biometric points of every individual’s face and then match them up with the criminal database they are having. As soon as the features of the face match with the database, a red light blinks and make aware to the police officer through a small screen attached to the glasses.
To make the officers familiar with this technology, it has been planned to start using this technology as a test run at some crowded places such as World Cup event. All in all, these will be very helpful technology to minimize the crimes.

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